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OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Cinquième Concert

OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Cinquième Concert

Date : VENDREDI 26 JUILLET 2024 à 18H00 Lieu : AUDITORIUM FLAINE Entrée libre Programme: Mélodies septentrionales... Choir collage sur Uti vär hage, Boke Jonsson (Suède) Uti vär hage, mélodie populaire, arrangement: Hugo Alfvén Kristallen den fina, mélodie traditionnelle, arrangement : David Wikander Requiem, Jón Leifs (Islande) Heyr himna smidur, Porkell Sigurbjornson (Islande) Visur vatnsenda Rósu, mélodie populaire, Jón Asgeirsson (Islande) Sofou unga stin mín, mélodie populaire, arrangement : Jón Asgeirsson (Islande) Cantate... « Un soir de neige », Francis Poulenc sur des poèmes de Paul Eluard. Anne Laffilhe, chef de choeur opus 74 F. Schubert La Truite Elise Douilliez violon, Daniel Rubenstein alto Félicitas Stephan violoncelle, Uli Bar contrebasse, Bertrand Giraud piano
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OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Troisième Concert mercredi 24/07/2024

Date : MERCREDI 24 JUILLET 2024 à 20H00 Lieu : AUDITORIUM FLAINE Prix : Entrée libre dans la mesure des places disponibles Programme: A.Reicha, Sonate 
Pierre Walter, Basson 
Delphine Armand, Piano F. Schubert, 4 impromptus opus 90 P. I. Tchaikovsky, Grande Sonate opus 37 
Elena Atanasovska, piano Alors en place pour le concert, nous n'attendons que vous !
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Basson, piano
OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Quatrième Concert

OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Quatrième Concert

Date : JEUDI 25 JUILLET 2024 à 20H00 Lieu : AUDITORIUM FLAINE Entrée libre Programme: A. Piazzolla (Arrangement Roland Dyens) Otono Porteno et Primavera Portena Benjamin Valette guitare Giuliani Le Grand, Duo Concertant op 85 en La Majeur Laetitia Brault Aüte, Benjamin Valette guitare J. Ibert, Aria W. Lutoslawski, Danses Préludes 1- Allegro molto 2-Andantino 3- Allegro Giocoso Christine Paté accordéon, Patrick Naef clarinette B. Martinu, Trio Miroslav Matejka Aute, Bledar Zajmi violoncelle, Elena Atanasovska piano J. Thomas, Les adieux du Menestrel à sa terre natale Loreleï Tochet, harpe celtique J. van Eyck, Engels Nachtegaeltje (Der Fluyten Lust-hof) Kerstin Fahr, flûte à bec G. Finger, A Division on a Ground by Mr. Finger Loreleï Tochet, harpe celtique, Kerstin Fahr, flûte à bec J. Brahms Trio opus 114 Patrick Naef clarinette, Bledar Zaimi violoncelle, Bertrand Giraud piano
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OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Deuxième Concert mardi 23/07/2024

OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Deuxième Concert mardi 23/07/2024

Date : MARDI 23 JUILLET 2024 à 20H00 Lieu : AUDITORIUM FLAINE Prix : Entrée libre dans la mesure des places disponibles Programme: F. Devienne, Trio n°3 (arrangement JP Rampal) 
Mihi Kim, Laetitia Brault, Miroslav Matejka flütes A. Dvorak, Sonatine opus 100 
Miroslav Mateika Aûte, Bertrand Giraud Piano F. Poulenc, Dialogues des Carmélites : "'Encore ces maudites fèves" 
Soeur Constance: Welléda Muller, soprano 
Blanche : Julie Horreaux, soprano 
Thomas Dupont, piano L. Bernstein Spring will come again, 
extrait de The skin of our teeth 
Julie Horreaux soprano, Welléda Muller soprano, Thomas Dupont piano L. Bernstein extrait de Peter Pan Dream with me tonight 
Julie Horreaux soprano, Welléda Muller soprano 
Thomas Dupont piano, Sebastien Giacomi cello L. Janacek, Dans les brumes 
Michele Renoul, piano E. Grieg Sonate n° 3 opus 45 
Yuriko Kase violon, Ryoko Naef piano Alors en place pour le concert, nous n'attendons que vous !
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Piano, soprano 


OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Troisième Concert mercredi 24/07/2024

OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Troisième Concert mercredi 24/07/2024 Date : MERCREDI 24 JUILLET 2024 à 20H00 Lieu : AUDITORIUM FLAINE Prix : Entrée libre dans la mesure des places disponibles Programme: A.Reicha, Sonate 
Pierre Walter, Basson 
Delphine Armand, Piano F. Schubert, 4 impromptus opus 90 P. I. Tchaikovsky, Grande Sonate opus 37 
Elena Atanasovska, piano Alors en place pour le concert, nous n'attendons que vous !
Total views: 1
Basson, piano
OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Deuxième Concert mardi 23/07/2024

OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Deuxième Concert mardi 23/07/2024

Date : MARDI 23 JUILLET 2024 à 20H00 Lieu : AUDITORIUM FLAINE Prix : Entrée libre dans la mesure des places disponibles Programme: F. Devienne, Trio n°3 (arrangement JP Rampal) 
Mihi Kim, Laetitia Brault, Miroslav Matejka flütes A. Dvorak, Sonatine opus 100 
Miroslav Mateika Aûte, Bertrand Giraud Piano F. Poulenc, Dialogues des Carmélites : "'Encore ces maudites fèves" 
Soeur Constance: Welléda Muller, soprano 
Blanche : Julie Horreaux, soprano 
Thomas Dupont, piano L. Bernstein Spring will come again, 
extrait de The skin of our teeth 
Julie Horreaux soprano, Welléda Muller soprano, Thomas Dupont piano L. Bernstein extrait de Peter Pan Dream with me tonight 
Julie Horreaux soprano, Welléda Muller soprano 
Thomas Dupont piano, Sebastien Giacomi cello L. Janacek, Dans les brumes 
Michele Renoul, piano E. Grieg Sonate n° 3 opus 45 
Yuriko Kase violon, Ryoko Naef piano Alors en place pour le concert, nous n'attendons que vous !
Total views: 7

OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Premier Concert lundi 22/07/2024

OPUS 74- FLAINE 2024 Premier Concert lundi 22/07/2024 Date : LUNDI 22 JUILLET 2024 à 20H00 Lieu : AUDITORIUM FLAINE Prix : Entrée libre dans la mesure des places disponibles Programme: F. Liszt Les Préludes,
Duo Spina Benignetti,  piano 4 mains  T.A. Vitali/L. Charlier, Chaconne J. Hubay, Hejre Kati Scène de la Csardas n*4 Oreste De Maurizi, Mihali et Sarba Staccato Duo Lesage, violon et piano   P. Pincemaille, Sonatine M. Dranishnikova, Poème E. Piazzolla, Escolaso Hélène Gueuret, Hautbois ; Delphine Armand, Piano   Chopin Nocturne Posthume, Polonaise Fantaisie opus 61 Laurence Oldak, piano
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piano violon
Collection d'Arias d'amour et de tristesse

Collection d'Arias d'amour et de tristesse

Arias de différents compositeurs : Samuel Gurwitsch, Contrebasse Gary Karr, Contrebasse Misha Dacic, Piano
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Arias de différents compositeurs


Sinadin (Dejan Sinadinović) is a Yugoslav pianist and a music pedagogue. He is a full professor of piano at the Faculty of Music of the University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia. He completed graduate studies in piano performance at the Faculty of Music (Belgrade, Sebia) under the tutorship of Arbo Valdma (a former student of Bruno Lukk who studied piano with Arthur Schnabel and Paul Hindemith). He also pursued postgraduate studies at the Moscow State Conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky with a supervisor Eliso Virsaladze (a former student of Yakov Zak and Heinrich Neuhaus). He took part in numerous chamber music performances and during last ten years gave more than one hundred solo piano recitals throughout Europe in notable music venues (Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Montenegro, Greece, Northern Cyprus, Denmark, Russia, Romania). Most recently, he performed with Synergia6 ensemble in Croatia (Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Osor Musical Evenings and International Music Festival in Zadar). He has collaborated with various orchestras accross the world working with conductors such as Mladen Jagušt, Vassily Sinaisky, Vladimir Kiradjiev, Rolf Beck, Jean-Francois Antonioli and others. Among others, he performed with W. Lutosławski Philharmonic (Wrocław, Poland), Rzesow Philharmonic (Poland), Transylvania State Philharmonic Orchestra (Romania), Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra (Serbia), The Symphony Orchestra of the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation (Serbia), Artistic ensemble of the Ministry of Defence “Stanislav Binički” (Serbia), Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma (Rome). He joined forces with many distinguished chamber ensembles such as Synergia6 (international), Artis Quartet (Vienna), Minetti Quartet (Vienna), Meridies String Quartet (Italy) and Camerata Serbica (Belgrade).. As a great enthusiast for chamber music he affiliated with a number of exceptional musicians including sopranos Katarina Jovanović (Serbia) and Aneta Ilić (Serbia), violinists Nemanja Radulović (France), Tijana Milošević (Serbia), Oleksandr Semchuk (Italy), clarinetist Milan Milošević (Canada), cellists Sadra Belić (Serbia) and Niklas Eppinger (Germany) and bassoonist Žarko Perišić (Austria/Croatia). He was an artistic director and a conductor of The New Moment Ensemble which hosted some of the most prominent instrumentalists from the Balkans. With this orchestra he participated in the production of Michael Nyman’s opera The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, both as a pianist and a conductor. It took place in the festival “Ideas- Campus” in 2002 (Piran, Slovenia) under composer’s supervision. Later that year, The New Moment Ensemble performed this opera at one of the most prestigious international festivals of theatre and performing arts in the South East Europe, the BITEF festival in Belgrade. Appart from the teaching position at the Faculty of Music, University of Art in Belgrade, Deyan Sinadinovich was appointed a Vice Dean of the faculty (2002–2006). He was chair of the Department of Music at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade (1998–2006) where he also taught piano performance. He gave lectures and master classes in Kotor (Montenegro), Subotica (Serbia), Belgrade (Serbia), Girona (Spain), St. Petersburg – Rimski Korsakov Conservatory (Russia), Ateneo Basilicata (Italy), London (England). He is currently the president of European Piano Teachers Association in Serbia. He published three CD’s with his live recordings for the Spanish label KNS Classical performing the works of Franz Liszt, Robert Schumann, César Franck, Alexander Scriabin. In 2021 he published another eight CDs for Parisian Anima-Records. Deyan Sinadinovich stood behind several music festivals and series of concerts such as Piano Chamber Festival in 2005 (Belgrade), Emil Hayek Festival (Belgrade) and The Spring Piano Feast (Belgrade). Owing to that, he established a reputation of an adept programme director. (May 2021)
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Concert Pianist

Concert : Enesco Quartett and Bertrand GIraud piano

Samedi 27 Avril 2024 à 20h30 au Conservatoire ODE 17-21 Rue Solférino, 92170 Vanves Beethoven Quatuor opus 59 n°3 Dvorak Quintette opus 81
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Pinao, quartett
Conservatoire Ode, vanves
Beethoven, Dvorak